About Fumble

Fumble is an artistic response to the increasing automation and optimization of human relationships. It satirizes the recent trend of dating apps using AI to not just match people, but to potentially replace the actual dating experience itself. And every single one of them is a total failure.

This project was inspired by Bumble's recent announcement about developing "AI dating concierges" that could essentially date for you. As Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd stated:

"There is a world where your dating concierge could go and date for you, with another dating concierge... Then you don't have to talk to 600 people. It will go scan all of San Francisco for you and say, 'These are the three people you really ought to meet.' That's the power of AI when harnessed the right way."

Fumble asks: What happens when we optimize away the human elements of dating? When AI does the flirting, the getting-to-know-you, and even the dating itself, what's left for us to experience?

The Artist

This project was created by Tina Tarighian, a digital artist exploring the intersection of technology, relationships, and modern communication. You can find more of my work at tina.zone.

My Arena Channel about AI Dating

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Fumble is a speculative art project and not a real dating service. It's meant to provoke thought about the direction of technology and relationships, not to provide actual dating services.